Energy prices rising in winter

Article posted

20th Aug 2024

Read time

6-11 min read


Mollie Pinnington

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As winter approaches, the UK can expect rising prices as households are already being warned of a 9% rise in their annual bills. Each year, the demand for heating spikes during the colder months, pushing up costs for electricity and gas. For many businesses, this creates a significant challenge, as energy expenses escalate just as many are trying to manage other holiday-related costs or end-of-year financial adjustments.

Why Energy Prices Rise in the Winter

The main reason for the Energy price rise this winter is conflict across Europe. There are fears across the EU that the Russia- Ukraine war will escalate, causing a drop in global gas supply. Although analysts don’t expect prices to return to prices we saw at the height of the energy crisis, we are still expecting prices to rise above what we have seen in the rest of 2024.  Along with global conflict there are other factors that could also drive winter energy prices up, such as:


Increased demand for heating

As temperatures plummet, the demand for energy to heat homes, offices, factories, and stores surges. This heightened demand often results in increased wholesale energy prices, which utilities pass on to consumers.


  Supply constraints

Natural gas, which powers many heating systems, faces supply constraints during winter months. Cold weather can lead to disruptions in production and transportation, particularly in regions prone to freezing temperatures or storms, leading to price hikes.


Global factors

International energy markets also play a role. Global supply chain issues, and energy shortages in other regions can contribute to volatile energy prices worldwide. For instance, Europe’s dependency on natural gas imports often affects global pricing trends, and when Europe experiences a shortage, prices rise across the board, including in the U.S. and other regions.


Regulatory factors

In some areas, regulatory changes related to energy production or environmental standards might impact energy prices during winter months. Stricter carbon emission regulations, for example, can affect the cost of fossil fuels like natural gas.


The Impact on Businesses

The consequences of rising energy prices can be wide-ranging, affecting both large corporations and small businesses. Here are some of the key ways higher winter energy prices affect businesses:


Increased operating costs

For businesses that rely heavily on energy, such as manufacturers, retailers, and hospitality companies, higher energy prices translate directly into increased operating costs. Heating buildings, powering equipment, lighting stores, and maintaining comfortable environments for customers and employees all become more expensive.


Profit margin squeeze

Many businesses operate on tight profit margins, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). When energy prices spike, it can be difficult to absorb the extra costs without raising prices, which can in turn affect competitiveness and customer retention.


Budgeting challenges

Businesses that budget for energy expenses often find winter price hikes unpredictable. The volatility of energy prices makes it challenging to forecast costs accurately, potentially leading to budget overruns and cash flow issues.


Impact on supply chains

Rising energy costs don’t just affect businesses directly. They also ripple through supply chains, leading to higher transportation costs, increased production expenses for suppliers, and overall inflationary pressures. These knock-on effects can exacerbate the financial burden on companies already dealing with higher utility bills.


Environmental pressure

Amidst rising energy costs, many companies are also feeling the pressure to reduce their carbon footprints. With energy prices rising, especially for fossil fuels, there is often a tension between cutting costs and moving toward more sustainable, potentially expensive, energy alternatives.


How businesses can mitigate rising energy costs

Despite the challenges, there are ways that businesses can reduce the impact of rising winter energy costs. Here are a few strategies:


Energy Efficiency Investments

One of the most effective ways to mitigate rising energy costs is to improve energy efficiency. Simple steps like upgrading insulation, installing energy-efficient lighting, and optimising heating systems can reduce energy consumption significantly. More substantial investments, such as installing smart thermostats, upgrading HVAC systems, or even retrofitting buildings for energy efficiency, can provide long-term savings.


Diversifying energy sources

Businesses may consider diversifying their energy sources to include renewable energy options, such as solar or wind power. While the upfront costs for renewable energy installations can be high, government incentives and long-term savings often make it a sound investment. Moreover, businesses with renewable energy systems in place are less susceptible to the price volatility of fossil fuels.


Negotiate with energy suppliers

Businesses can explore negotiating energy contracts to secure better rates during the winter months. Some energy providers offer flexible pricing plans that allow companies to lock in lower rates or spread out costs over the year, rather than facing sharp increases during peak seasons.


Energy management systems

Installing energy management systems can help businesses monitor and control their energy usage more effectively. These systems can identify patterns of waste and suggest adjustments, such as reducing heating in unoccupied spaces or optimising the timing of energy use.


Behavioural Changes

 Small behavioural changes can also contribute to savings. Encouraging employees to be mindful of energy use, such as turning off lights, computers, or machinery when not in use, can reduce consumption. Additionally, setting lower thermostat temperatures in offices or retail spaces during non-business hours can yield savings without sacrificing comfort during peak times.


Government Incentives and Programs

Many governments offer incentives or subsidies for businesses that invest in energy efficiency improvements or renewable energy systems. Taking advantage of these programs can help businesses offset the costs of upgrading their energy infrastructure.


Rising energy prices during the winter months are a challenge for businesses across industries. However, with proactive planning and strategic investments in energy efficiency, companies can mitigate some of the financial impacts. By focusing on reducing energy consumption, diversifying energy sources, and taking advantage of available incentives, businesses can not only protect their bottom line but also contribute to broader environmental sustainability goals. As energy markets continue to evolve and climate change becomes a growing concern, businesses that take steps to manage their energy costs and improve efficiency will be better positioned to navigate future price fluctuations.

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