Meter upgrade - save your business time and money

Article posted

10th Sep 2024

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5-10 min read


Mollie Pinnington

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In today's competitive business environment, efficiency is key. Every penny saved and every minute optimised can make a significant difference in your bottom line.

One area where many businesses can become more efficient is by upgrading to a more modern, advanced meter.

Why should businesses consider upgrading their meters?

Energy meters track the consumption of electricity and gas in your business. Many companies still rely on traditional analog meters, which can be outdated and inefficient.

Modern smart meters offer a range of benefits that not only improve accuracy but also save time and money. Here’s how:


Enhanced accuracy and billing

Traditional meters can be prone to errors, whether due to mechanical issues or manual reading mistakes. Inaccurate readings often lead to billing disputes or unexpected spikes in utility costs. Upgrading to a smart meter ensures precise tracking of your usage in real time. This accuracy helps businesses avoid overpaying due to faulty readings and allows for more predictable monthly expenses.


A manufacturing warehouse  that relies on accurate energy usage data to optimise its processes found that by upgrading to a smart meter, it could identify periods of peak usage and adjust operations accordingly, saving thousands on energy bills annually.


Real-time monitoring and data insights

Smart meters offer real-time monitoring, providing businesses with immediate insights into their utility usage. This allows for quicker adjustments to reduce consumption during peak hours or identify wasteful practices. These meters can also generate detailed reports, which can be invaluable for tracking trends, setting benchmarks, and improving sustainability efforts.


A hotel chain used smart meters to monitor electricity usage and discovered inefficiencies in its laundry processes. By implementing energy saving measures, they reduced electricity consumption by 20%, significantly lowering their bills.


Automated meter readings

One of the most time-consuming aspects of traditional meters is the need for manual readings. This process is not only labour-intensive but also prone to errors and often requires coordination between the utility company and the business. Smart meters automate this process, allowing for remote readings and eliminating the need for physical visits. This saves time and reduces labour costs.


A retail chain upgraded to smart meters across all its locations, saving hundreds of hours annually in manual reading efforts. The automated readings also helped avoid costly billing errors and disputes.


Energy efficiency and cost savings

Smart meters enable businesses to identify opportunities for energy efficiency. By providing detailed data on consumption patterns, these meters help businesses pinpoint where energy is being wasted. This could include anything from lighting systems left on overnight to inefficient HVAC systems. Making these adjustments can lead to significant cost savings.


An office building management company utilised data from smart meters to identify that a large portion of its energy was being consumed by lighting systems during non-operational hours. By installing motion sensors and adjusting lighting schedules, they reduced their energy consumption by 15%, translating into substantial cost savings.


Improved sustainability

Sustainability is not just a buzzword; it's a crucial aspect of modern business. Reducing energy consumption not only helps the environment but also enhances a company's reputation with customers, investors, and stakeholders. Smart meters make it easier to track and reduce your businesses carbon footprint by providing detailed data on resource use and helping businesses optimise their operations for sustainability.


A restaurant chain used smart meters to monitor water and energy usage, enabling them to implement eco-friendly practices like low-flow faucets and energy-efficient appliances. This not only reduced their utility bills but also bolstered their brand image as an environmentally conscious business.


Predictive maintenance and operational efficiency

Smart meters can also provide insights into the operational efficiency of equipment. For instance, if a meter shows unusual spikes in energy usage, it could be a sign that machinery or appliances are malfunctioning or nearing the end of their life cycle. Early detection allows for predictive maintenance, reducing the likelihood of costly breakdowns and downtime.


A data centre utilised smart meters to track energy consumption and discovered that one of their cooling systems was using significantly more power than expected. Upon inspection, they found a malfunction that, if left unchecked, could have caused a major failure. By addressing the issue early, they avoided costly repairs and operational downtime.


Compliance and Reporting

For businesses in industries with strict regulatory requirements, smart meters can simplify compliance. The detailed data and reporting capabilities of these meters make it easier to meet legal obligations regarding energy usage, emissions, and sustainability practices. This reduces the administrative burden and ensures that your business remains compliant without the need for extensive manual tracking.


A manufacturing company used smart meters to track emissions and energy consumption, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations. The automated reporting feature saved time and helped avoid potential fines for non-compliance.


Upgrade your meter today

Upgrading your business's meter to a modern, smart version is not just a technological enhancement—it's a strategic investment. The savings in time, money, and resources, combined with the benefits of real-time data and enhanced operational efficiency, make this upgrade a no-brainer for businesses of all sizes.

If your business hasn't yet considered upgrading its meters, now is the time. The initial investment is often outweighed by the long-term cost savings and operational improvements. Plus, with the growing emphasis on sustainability and efficiency in today’s market, staying ahead with smart technology can give your business a competitive edge.

Take control of your utility management, reduce costs, and boost your efficiency by upgrading your meters today.

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