Why businesses need a good energy consultant

Article posted

29th Jul 2024

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3-6 min read


Mollie Pinnington

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In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the importance of controlling energy costs and efficient energy management cannot be overstated. As companies face increasing pressure from stakeholders, regulatory bodies, and consumers, having a competent energy consultant has become not just beneficial but essential. Here’s why businesses need a good energy consultant now more than ever.

Navigating complex regulations

Energy regulations are becoming more stringent globally, with governments enacting policies to reduce carbon footprints and promote renewable energy sources. Keeping up with these regulations can be challenging for businesses, especially those without a dedicated team to monitor and implement compliance measures.

An energy consultant helps navigate these complex regulatory landscapes, ensuring that businesses remain compliant and avoid hefty fines or penalties.


Enhancing energy procurement

Energy procurement is a critical component of cost management for businesses. An experienced energy consultant conducts thorough energy audits, identifies where you are overspending, and recommends practical solutions to reduce energy bills. This not only cuts costs but also allows you to reinvest savings back into your bottom line.


Leveraging renewable energy

The transition to renewable energy sources is a significant trend in the corporate world. Solar, wind, and other renewable energy options offer long-term savings and reduce dependency on fossil fuels. Energy consultants provide the expertise needed to evaluate, plan, and implement renewable energy projects, helping businesses make informed decisions that balance initial investments with long-term benefits.


Navigate the energy market

In today’s market, consumers are more vulnerable to price spikes than ever before. An energy consultant will have in depth knowledge on the energy market.  This allows them to help you make an informed decision on how long your next contract term should be.  For example, if the price of gas is globally expected to rise in the next year an energy consultant would suggest you lock in prices now for the next 2-3 years to ensure that you are not paying more.


Accessing financial incentives

Many governments and organisations offer financial incentives to businesses to help them cope with energy prices. These can include tax breaks, grants, and rebates, which can significantly offset the costs of energy price fluctuations. Energy consultants are well-versed in identifying and securing these incentives, providing a financial boost to businesses that could be struggling with energy costs.


Risk management and maintenance

Energy supply disruptions, whether due to natural disasters, geopolitical tensions, or other unforeseen events, pose significant risks to business operations. A good energy consultant helps to manage and disruptions or maintenance needs for their client.  This proactive approach to risk management is crucial in maintaining continuity and protecting business interests. Also, with your energy consultant being in direct contact with the energy supplier you will not have to deal with them yourself. You can focus on your business and allow your energy consultant to take care of everything for you.


Driving innovation

The energy sector is continually evolving, with new technologies and solutions emerging at a rapid pace. Staying abreast of these advancements can be overwhelming for businesses. Energy consultants bring specialised knowledge and insights into the latest trends and innovations, helping businesses adopt cutting-edge technologies that drive efficiency and competitiveness.


Facilitating long-term strategic planning

 To ensure your business does not lose money on long-term strategic planning. Energy consultants assist in developing comprehensive energy management plans that align with business goals, ensuring sustainable growth and long-term success. This strategic approach helps businesses future-proof their operations against evolving market and environmental demands.


If you're looking to save money on your energy bills then why not get in touch today? The relationships Resolve Energy has developed with over 24 of the UK’s biggest business energy suppliers allows our energy experts to source the best business energy rates available for your company right when you need them. Request a free quote today and start saving money on your energy.

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